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Brief Bio of Minister Jeffrey Anthony Rhone

  • Minister Jeffrey Anthony Rhone’s life authentically reflects 2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • Minister Rhone has spent nearly six decades walking in the gifts and talents God has bestowed upon him, and has distinguished himself in the fields of Christian ministry, business, and education.

  • Minister Rhone is a lifelong member of Christ’s Southern Mission Baptist Church, where he currently serves as Pastor.

  • Minister Rhone is also a member of the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses, Inc.

  • Thirty-two years ago, Minister Rhone received his ministerial licensure and in 1999 his ministerial ordination was granted and recognized by the State of Missouri. 

  • Minister Rhone is the Director of Family and Community Engagement for Saint Louis Public Schools.

  • Minister Rhone graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration from Lindenwood University.  He received a Master of Arts degree in Education. He also posses a certificate in Character Education.  

  • Minister Jeffrey Rhone lives by these words penned in Psalms 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”  His true joy is in the Lord, and he finds happiness in his relationship with family and friends, for whom his deepest desire is that all will know salvation through Jesus Christ.  


  • Jeffrey Anthony Rhone, minister, renowned emcee, singer, choral director, educator, administrator, and consultant is very business savvy.  Minister Rhone holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude.  He possesses a Certificate of Ordination in the state of Missouri and is a member of the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses, Inc. His involvement extends to various communities of opportunity and affiliations that require sound thinking and strong decision making.

  • As a local personality, Minister Rhone is respected and sought after for his spiritual and business insight.  He is also called upon to minister and emcee locally and abroad.  As a leader, he possesses strong organizational skills and is able to inseminate, direct, and allocate responsibilities for the success of any event.  He uses the manipulative of assessment and evaluation to impact his presence and create success.

  • A deeply spiritual man, with an infectious sense of humor, Minister Rhone is the consummate emcee and program coordinator.  These talents, along with his ministry gifts of evangelism, song, and choral directing, have caused Minister Rhone to be highly sought after locally, nationally, and abroad.  Minister Rhone greatly anticipates implementing his God-inspired vision for the founding of Witness Christian Ministries. 

  • Minister Jeffrey Rhone lives by words penned by the writer in Psalms 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”  His true joy is in the Lord, and he finds happiness in his relationship with family and friends, for whom his deepest desire is that all will know salvation through Jesus Christ.  

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